NJ Governor Recognizes Central NJ Chapter

NJ Governor Phil Murphy has recognized the Central New Jersey Chapter of the Case Management Society of America in honor of Case Management Week.


CMSA Fellow Program

CMSA recently announced a new CMSA Fellow recognition. Learn more about the CMSA Founding Fellows, the application and process.


Member of the CMSA Northeastern Regional Coalition

CMSA Central New Jersey is proud to be part of the CMSA Northeastern Regional Coalition who is a recipient of the Phoenix Award 2022.


CMSA Chapter Excellence Awards

The Central New Jersey CMSA Chapter was the fortunate recipient of 2 awards at the CMSA National conference.

The first award was the Award of Excellence for Chapter Revitalization: The Phoenix pays tribute to the CMSA Chapter that has experienced issues which have almost closed the chapter within the last two-three years, but through hard work and dedication breathed new life into the chapter and made it sustainable once again.

The second award was in conjunction with the other 5 chapters of the recently created CMSA Coalition; CMSA Central New Jersey, CMSA Long Island, CMSA New York, Hudson Valley CMSA & The Capital Region CMSA and the award was for Chapter Excellence & Innovation in Technology.

CMSA Foundation

The Case Management Society of America Foundation (CMSA Foundation) is a charitable, not for profit organization created to support education, research, and professional development for case management professionals. Learn more at cmsafoundation.org.


February 2025
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