The Central New Jersey Chapter of the Case Management Society of America Presents:
Ethical & Effective Discharge Planning for Social Workers, Case Managers and Nurses
Cost for dinner & CE presentation: $20 members, $30 non-members
Social workers, case managers and discharge planners are confronted with difficult ethical dilemmas in the current healthcare environments. These important professionals are caught between the needs of fragile clients, overwhelmed families, insurance coverage glitches and overall system dysfunction. This presentation features an RN Case/Care Manager and a Social Worker and Health Advocate who will work with attendees to address strategies to effectively advocate for safe and appropriate care for their clients, patients or residents.
Presenters: Melissa Mahoney MSW, LSW & Michael Newell MSN RN CCM
This program has been pre-approved by The Commission for Case Manager Certification to provide Ethics continuing education credit to CCM® board-certified case managers. The course is approved for 1.5 Ethics CE contact hour(s).
Pay By Check
Please download this registration form and send it with check made out to "CMSA CNJ Chapter" and mail it to: CMSA Central NJ, ATTN: Jose Santoro, 33 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange NJ 07052.
Pay by Credit Card